St. Louis Domestic Violence Attorney: Surviving an Assault Charge

Domestic Violence AttorneyIf you or someone that you love is being physically abused, seek legal advice right away. Regardless of whether your abuser is your partner, brother, father, or friend, you should know that you are not exempt from getting the justice you deserve. First of all, if you have sustained physical injuries from being abused, seek proper medical care immediately. No matter who you are related to, you are legally entitled to free medical treatment even if you are under a medical custody agreement. In case you need more detailed information on this issue, contact a St. Louis domestic violence attorney as soon as possible. You may check their website at


Even if the abuse is taking place out of state, you still have the right to seek legal help. St. Louis domestic violence attorneys are familiar with local criminal laws. They can help you determine if you qualify for any type of a protective order against your suspected abuser, as well as other legal charges such as aggravated assault, battery, malicious mischief, and several other charges. You may be facing harsher punishments than your abuser thinks. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure you get the assistance of an experienced attorney on your side as soon as possible.


A St. Louis criminal defense law firm can also provide assistance when you are facing criminal charges of domestic violence. The first thing the attorney will do is assess the situation. He or she will then evaluate your history, as well as the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident. Then he will assess your options and determine the best course of action for your case. Your St. Louis attorney will know which options might be best for your particular circumstances, and will discuss them with you.


For instance, if you were the wife who was accused of spousal assault, your St. Louis domestic violence attorney might advise you to seek a protection order against your husband, explaining that “spousal assault” is not a crime in St. Louis. In fact, it is a misdemeanor, which is punished by a year of probation, community service, or a fine of up to one thousand dollars. If you choose to go this route, then your husband cannot come back to you until after you have served your probation time. As a favor to you, the prosecutor will drop all other charges against you. This means you will not have to register as a sexual offender, pay fines for assault, or face other similar charges.


If, however, your case involves something more serious, such as second-degree murder or involuntary manslaughter, your St. Louis criminal law firm can help you pursue the best possible results. Again, it will depend upon your circumstances as to whether you will be able to use a protection order against your suspect. In some cases, the St. Louis court will allow you to remain in your home while completing the terms of the protection order. You will still be prosecuted for any crimes, but the penalties will be much milder than they would be if you went to trial. Your St. Louis domestic violence attorney can help you learn more about this option.


You must remember that even if you were spared from being arrested and prosecuted for your St. Louis domestic violence case, there are serious consequences that stem from this type of criminal charge. The reason is because you could lose your freedom, and end up with a criminal record for years. You may even end up with a felony conviction, which will cause a lifetime of complications. If you suffer from post traumatic stress and believe you might be at risk for being abused, contact a St. Louis criminal defense attorney to discuss your case.